to toyin adepoju
date 30 April 2009 20:25
subject Inquiries
hide details 20:25 (15 hours ago) CV_AIME-Orkestra-Consultg.pdf,Texteprojet_anglo_saxon_final[1].pdf,Abstract-Orisha _Vodun_ for Cairo2009.pdf
Dear Toyin Adépoju,
I am back. I have now off office time free and can write you.
Please find attached promised documents. The text about ‘’Bio medical epistemology, transformation of bio knowledge ...’’ is confidential as is also my one page abstract on Orisha as social institution for science in classical Yoruba period. As they are written in english, i just want you see other trends from me. The text about transformation of bio knowledge is the project for which funds were lacking with the German. The abstract is for a conference and for a workshop to be held in Egypt October 2009. But it is also a resume of a forthcoming book, presumably in french.
About your review on the two esays, i can tell more tommorow.
But can i ask you a question: Have you read my article writen in french ‘’ De la cosmologie à une théorie du nombre : le corpus Ifa revisité comme un questionnement de la mathématique orale (From cosmology to Number theory: Ifa corpus revisited as a case study of oral formal mathematics). Your review seems to refere strangely to that article more than to that other one in Holbrook et al. Or, does someone translate it to you? It makes me cry because there are more detailed arguments there for the abstract formal reasonning by the original coders of Ifa than you can find in the essays on Idààcha cosmological vision. The former (Idààcha cosmological vision...) is also just an extract of a very long article published (french) in Cahier d’Etudes Africaines, i mean ‘’ De la cosmology à la rationalisation de la vie sociale: ces mots idààcha qui parlent ou la mémoire d’un type de calendrier Yoruba ancien’’ (From cosmology to the rationalization of life: the idààacha words that talk or memory of an original old Yoruba divinatory calendar)
I accept your pray, more effort should be done for translations into english. I should end very quickly reviews of forthcoming books where are being included these articles writen in french. Books should be translated into english. In cv, you see all these articles writen in french. One in particular may puzzle you: ‘’Conceptual traditions: some Euclide elements translated into an african language, Yoruba’’, a provocational way from me in address of western scholars....
Tomorrow, i shall answer review.
Best regards
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