De : toyin adepoju []
Envoyé : mercredi 29 avril 2009 20:44
À : "a s aime";;
Dear Aim´e Dafon S`egla,
Good morning.
I have encountered your work with delighted surprise.I am very keen on your efforts to situate Classical African thought,specifically Yoruba epistemology and cosmology,within a scientific and philosophical context.I have your work on "The Cosmological Vision of the Yoruba-Id`a`acha",published in the volume on African astronomy edited by Jarita Holbrook as well as the one on "The Scientific Mind and the Cultural Articulation of Knowledge in Oral Society".
I wonder if yoiu have any other works in English translation you could do me the honor of sending me?
Could I know where you are and if I can read any bio and publication data on you at any source online?
--- On Thu, 4/30/09, SEGLA
Date: Thursday, April 30, 2009, 12:07 AM
Dear Toyin Adépoju,
Morning, Bonjour !
First, I apologize for my english, because I am francophone.
Many thanks for your yesterday kind letter and for big interest in my works. I was preparing to answerin sending a long reply.
But I see this morning your mail again.
I will send you more detailed information about me by this evening. Let me shortly say here that I am so pleased because I see you are african scientist and moreover, you are a brother from Nigeria.
For long time, It has been said that there were no Yoruba outside Nigeria. And me myself, I discovered by my works that I am a Yoruba because Idààcha dialect of Yoruba, a group I belong to in the center of Benin Republic, would sound foreign to Yoruba of Nigeria. I discovered with my works how powerful is Yoruba culture and I am very proud belonging to this backgroud. Some scientists, historians and linguists from Nigeria told me that in the area of Idanré near Akurè/Eketi in Nigeria, the dialect there sound exactly like Idààcha dialect and my dream is to go there and see what could be a research topic based on that fact, in relation to old Yoruba language Ifè tutu (Isha tutu) searching for structural changes in Yoruba system of knowledge. My strong believe is that it is only from original languages which were not altered before colonial coastal contacts that we can find root morphems for the better appropriation of modern science and technology in our proper mother tongue.
I am glad to read you because very few see the importance of these kind of works for Africa and our african state institutions are poorly interested in these questions. I am Petroleum geologist first. I worked in Petroleum before my PhD in History of science and Technology from University of Paris Jussieu Denis Diderot and the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS France in 2001. From 2001, I worked for French Cnetre National de la Recherche Scientifique CNRS and for the Max-Planck Institute for the History of science in Berlin focusing my research interests on The Anthropology of Knowledge in non Western cultures. I was also at the Martin-Luther University in Halle Germany. But unfortunately project funds were missing by 2006 for my works. Fund institutions said Africa should itself find research fund for this kind of work. They may be right but is Africa aware of that?
I returned to Paris since then and i am now working in a Paris Consultantancy office in Petroleum geology. I would prefere a reacherch center, but I share part time works as independant researcher (conferences, works shops, seminars) with Holbrook group in Arizona, the Max-Planck or the Martin-Luther University. That is why you can read me in Holbrook (Editor). My second publication in english is just the one you told about; that is ‘’The scientific mind and cultural articulation in an oral society: language as a Miror’’ published in Social Science Information, 2003. My other publications are in french. 3 books are forthcoming also in french. I have my last project (Anthropology of bio medical knowledge) for which funds were misssing written in english. I will send it to you by this evening, CV and an abstract (english) of forthcoming conference in Egypt October 2009. In Cv, you will find more accurate translation into english of the french titles of my works.
Many thanks again and best things to family.
Aimé Dafon SEGLA
ORKESTRA Consulting
16 Place de la Madeleine
75008 Paris
Tel: 00 33 1 44 51 51 53 / 00 33 6 19 31 87 42 / 00 33 6 29 51 86 62
My effective email addresses are: or
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